Legal Regime of The Straits of Malacca and Singapore


Legal Regime of the Straits of Malacca and Singapore

Author Mary George
Publication Date 2008
ISBN 9789679629217
Format Hardcover
Publisher LexisNexis


The relevance and complexity of the legal system of the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, as well as the legitimate rights and interests of the Straits States, are highlighted in this book.

It does so by addressing and proposing ways for members of the international community to reconcile their interests and sovereignty with the freedom of navigation through the Straits. This has proven to be a delicate legal and political process in recent times, and to its credit, this book identifies the issues and raises questions about how contemporary challenges on matters such as jurisdiction, conflicts of law, and interests can be addressed, with the discussion of the high-profile Exxon-Valdez incident serving as an example.

This book includes cross-references to international adjudicatory bodies' case law as well as the United Nations' and its specialised agencies' conventions, protocols, rules, regulations, codes, resolutions, programmes, and guidelines dealing with the law of the sea and related subjects. In the appendix, the author has included articles of interest, some of which were previously published in established publications on maritime legal issues, for further reading.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Legal Regime of The Straits of Malacca and Singapore

Chapter 1 The Legal Regime of the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Chapter 2 Law of the Sea Convention 1982
Chapter 3 Principles of Marine Environmental Law
Chapter 4 Jurisdiction
Chapter 5 Marine Pollution
Chapter 6 Fishing
Chapter 7 Liability and Compensation for Marine Pollution

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SKU: 3789633883 ISBN: 9789679629217

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