Restructuring Law and Practice 2nd Revised Ed by Chris Howard, Bob Hedger

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Restructuring Law and Practice 2nd Revised Ed

Author Chris Howard, Bob Hedger
Publication Date February 2014
ISBN 9781405791410
Format Hardcover
Publisher LexisNexis Butterworths

This is the definitive guide on restructuring. Restructurings are on the rise as a result of the credit crunch and market instability.

There is no other book that tackles the practical issues of out-of-court restructurings in the consensual arena or looks at the law and practise in such a comprehensive and systematic manner. Howard and Hedger present a logical and thorough perspective to the challenging practise of restructuring in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

This book also includes a detailed examination of the directors' responsibilities following CA 2006, the application of International Accounting Standards, going concern issues, and a thorough examination of rights issues.

Key benefits of Howard & Hedger - Restructuring Law & Practice 2nd Edition:

  • This is the first and only statement on the measures that practitioners must take during a restructure.
  • A banking industry expertise and a law specialist combine for a practical, transactional perspective.
  • Readers are guided through the practical aspects of the transaction, including what to watch out for and document advice.
  • Provides insight into the paperwork as well as all of the necessary tasks.
  • Is written in such a way that accountants, lawyers, and bankers will find it really useful.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Restructuring Law and Practice 2nd Revised Ed

Restructuring Process;
Information, disclosure and year end reporting
Officers, fees and financial creditor renumeration
The Importance of Valuations;
Schemes if arrangement
Restructuring and directors' duties
Rescue rights issues
Creit derivative sand restructuring

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SKU: 3134631070 ISBN: 9789351436256

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