Restructuring Law and Practice 2nd Revised Ed by Chris Howard, Bob Hedger
Restructuring Law and Practice 2nd Revised Ed
Author | Chris Howard, Bob Hedger |
Publication Date | February 2014 |
ISBN | 9781405791410 |
Format | Hardcover |
Publisher | LexisNexis Butterworths |
This is the definitive guide on restructuring. Restructurings are on the rise as a result of the credit crunch and market instability.
There is no other book that tackles the practical issues of out-of-court restructurings in the consensual arena or looks at the law and practise in such a comprehensive and systematic manner. Howard and Hedger present a logical and thorough perspective to the challenging practise of restructuring in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.
This book also includes a detailed examination of the directors' responsibilities following CA 2006, the application of International Accounting Standards, going concern issues, and a thorough examination of rights issues.
Key benefits of Howard & Hedger - Restructuring Law & Practice 2nd Edition:
- This is the first and only statement on the measures that practitioners must take during a restructure.
- A banking industry expertise and a law specialist combine for a practical, transactional perspective.
- Readers are guided through the practical aspects of the transaction, including what to watch out for and document advice.
- Provides insight into the paperwork as well as all of the necessary tasks.
- Is written in such a way that accountants, lawyers, and bankers will find it really useful.
TABLE OF CONTENTS of Restructuring Law and Practice 2nd Revised Ed
Restructuring Process;
Information, disclosure and year end reporting
Officers, fees and financial creditor renumeration
The Importance of Valuations;
Schemes if arrangement
Restructuring and directors' duties
Rescue rights issues
Creit derivative sand restructuring
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