Russell On Arbitration, 22nd Edition


Russell On Arbitration, 22nd Edition By David Sutton, Judith Gill

Author David Sutton, Judith Gill
Publication Date Dec, 2002
ISBN 9780421661004
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell 

"Russell on Arbitration has been a guide and monitor of arbitration law in England for over 150 years. The first edition was published in 1849, forty years before the first dedicated English Arbitration Act 1889. Since then there have been many further editions and Russell on Arbitration has always maintained and enhanced its status as a leading authority on the law of arbitration in England and Wales. This 22nd edition continues this tradition and has brought up to date the information relating to English arbitration law." – Julian D M Lew QC, December 2002

For over a century, Russell on Arbitration has been the standard reference text for practitioners. The book has been extensively rewritten to keep practitioners up to date on the newest advances in this field of law. It is well respected and has a lengthy lineage.

There have been significant advances in a number of areas in the five years since the previous edition, including challenges to arbitrators' impartiality, the application of the'serious irregularity' principle, and many others. The operation of the Arbitration Act 1996 in practise has now been observed, particularly the main principles laid out in section one of the Act.

  • The primary practitioner work on the law and practise of arbitration has been updated.
  • Includes the new Arbitration Practice Direction as well as comprehensive treatment of case law generated since the 1996 Arbitration Act.
  • Provides useful, problem-solving knowledge intended just for practitioners.
  • The Arbitration Act 1996, related statutory documents, the UNCITRAL Model Law, and forms are included in the appendices.

CONTENTS of Russell On Arbitration, 22nd Edition

Introduction. ;
The arbitration agreement. ;
Parties and institutions. ;
The tribunal. ;
Conduct of the reference. ;
The award. ;
The role of the court before and during the arbitration. ;
The role of the court after the award.;

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SKU: 1686141363 ISBN: 9780421661004

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