Take-overs and Mergers, 2nd Ed by Chandrasegar
Take-overs and Mergers, 2nd Ed
Author | Chandrasegar |
Publication Date | 2010 |
ISBN | 9789812368126 |
Format | Softcover |
Publisher | LexisNexis |
Second Edition of Takeovers and Mergers Ed gives a thorough and organised treatment of the law and practise surrounding takeovers and mergers.
Rather than extensive legal theory, this book focuses on practise and process. It's been meticulously designed to help merchant bankers, lawyers, and other professionals involved in takeover and merger situations. It goes into great detail about the financial markets' regulatory framework, including the Securities and Futures Act, the SGX-ST Listing Manual, and the Singapore Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
This book is a significant resource in a highly specialised field of practise, including references to the Securities Industry Council's rulings, the UK City Code, and a full study of the essential aspects governing takeovers of public listed firms.
"The great merit of this book, above all, is that it is able to simplify with clarity what has always been a complex subject. All professionals involved in this important area of corporate practice, but especially directors of companies who target companies or who themselves are targeted by others for take-over, should therefore welcome this book."
~ Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong
TABLE OF CONTENTS of Take-overs and Mergers, 2nd Ed
Chapter 1: Legal and Economic Background
Chapter 2: Pre-1974 Scheme
Chapter 3: Regulatory Scheme
Chapter 4: The Approach and the Early Stages
Chapter 5: Dealings ? Restrictions and Disclosure Regime
Chapter 6: Voluntary Offers
Chapter 7: Mandatory Offers
Chapter 8: Partial offers and Comparable Offers
Chapter 9: Takeover Documentation
Chapter 10: Conduct During Offer and Offer Timetable
Chapter 11: Defensive Tactics Against Hostile Bids
Chapter 12: Compulsory Acquisition of Shares
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