The Law On REITs In Malaysia by Seow Hock Peng


The Law On REITs In Malaysia by Seow Hock Peng

Author Seow Hock Peng
Publication Date 2022
ISBN 9789674571641
Format Softcover
Publisher CLJ Publications

Real Estate Investment Trusts, or REITs, have been the subject of several articles and books. Understandably, most investors would be interested in literature and resources that may provide them with financial and investing information. It is, however, as vital for investors to learn about and comprehend the legal and regulatory standards that apply to REITs.

The Malaysian REITs Law explains the regulatory framework that governs REITs as well as the related procedural applications. This book will provide readers with a general review of Malaysian REIT legislation. The book looks at the structure of a REIT and the need for a trust deed, among other things. It also includes the Management Company, Trustee, and Unit Holders' roles in the REIT structure, as well as responsibility for a deceptive prospectus. The book also discusses Islamic REITs, REIT taxes, REIT public listing, and other topics.

This book will be helpful to investors in understanding their legal rights and safeguards. Management Companies and Trust Companies will both benefit from the book in terms of better understanding their various roles, responsibilities, and obligations.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of The Law On REITs In Malaysia

  • Table of Contents:
  • Introduction to REITs
  • Types and Nature of REITs
  • Trust Deed
  • Trustee
  • Management Company
  • Prospectus
  • Disclosure and Misleading Prospectus
  • Unit Holders
  • Islamic REITs
  • Taxation on REITs
  • Public Offerings and Listing of REITs
  • Investments, Valuation, Conflicts and Termination of REITs

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SKU: 4137954099 ISBN: 9789674571641

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