The Law Reform (Marriage And Divorce) Act 1976, 2nd Edition

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The Law Reform (Marriage And Divorce) Act 1976, 2nd Edition by Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah

Author Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah
Publication Date May 2018
ISBN 9789672049913
Hardcover + eBook / eBook
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell
To aid in the study and application of the Act, this book provides instances and materials. It offers interesting discussion on the Act's provisions. There is a mention of relevant legislation that has an impact on the operation of Malaysian family law as it pertains to non-Muslims. A large amount of local and international case law, primarily from England and Singapore, has been analysed in order to compile useful summaries of decisions that shed light on the implementation of statutory provisions. The commentary also discusses and expresses opinions on concerns and difficulties that have occurred as a result of the Act's implementation.

KEY FEATURES of The Law Reform (Marriage And Divorce) Act 1976, 2nd Edition:

  • Provides in-depth analysis of the Act.
  • Case law from 2013 to 2017 is included.
  • The Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) (Amendment) Act 2017 is taken into consideration.
  • In a separate Appendix, revised provisions resulting from the 2017 Amendment Act are included.
  • Comparison of major characteristics of the Act with similar provisions in the legislation of Singapore, England, and Hong Kong, delivered only on ProView. Within three months of publishing, this will be improved and expanded with additional content.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of The Law Reform (Marriage And Divorce) Act 1976, 2nd Edition

1. Preliminary
2. Monogamous Marriage 
3. Marriage 
4. Registration Of Marriages
5. Penalties And Miscellaneous Provisions Relating To The Solemnisation And Registration Of Marriage 
6. Divorce 
7. Matters Incidental To Matrimonial Proceedings
8. Protection Of Children 
9. Miscellaneous

Exclusive Pro View Extras 
Comparative Review Of The Law Reform (Marriage And Divorce) Act 1976 with legislation in other countries 

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SKU: 1665106287 ISBN: 9789672049913

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