The Law of Torts in Malaysia By Syed Ahmad Sa Alsagoff


The Law of Torts in Malaysia By Syed Ahmad Sa Alsagoff

Author Syed Ahmad Sa Alsagoff
Publication Date 2017
ISBN 9789674007133
Publisher LexisNexis

The book maintains a strong emphasis on Malaysian tort law, although it also covers instances decided in Commonwealth countries. It discusses the nature and function of tort law, as well as the rules and principles that govern it and the potential remedies. The author recognises the contribution of the nation's judges by putting their names in the spotlight and elevating them to a higher court.

A thorough and easily understandable text on Malaysian tort law. It includes topics that encompass both undergraduate and postgraduate studies' syllabuses. The book maintains a strong emphasis on Malaysian tort law, although it also covers instances decided in Commonwealth countries. It discusses the nature and function of tort law, as well as the rules and principles that govern it and the potential remedies. The author recognises the contribution of the nation's judges by putting their names in the spotlight and elevating them to a higher court. This book is hoped to be well received by the legal community, particularly judges, lawyers, law students, and paralegals, and will aid them in their daily quest of justice.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of The Law of Torts in Malaysia

I    The Law of Torts
II   General Defences
III  Duty To Take Care
IV  The Standard of Care
V   Contributory Negligence
VI  The Thing Speaks For Itself RES IPSA LOQUITUR
VII  Causation In Fact
VIII  Causation In Law / Remoteness of Damage
IX   Nervous Shock / Psychiatric Injury
X    Economic Loss
XI   Strict Liability
XII  Joint and Several Tortfeasors
XIII Damages
XIV Trespass To The Person
XV  Trespass To Land
XVI Interference with Goods Trespass To Goods And Conversion
XVII Liability For Land and Structures or Occupiers' Liability
XVIII Passing Off
XIX   Defamation
XX    Malicious Falsehood
XXI   Nuisance
XXII  Malicious Prosecution
XXIII Vicarious Liability

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SKU: 1686154641 ISBN: 9789674007133

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