Undang-Undang Siber Malaysia (Hingga 1hb Mac 2018)

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Undang-Undang Siber Malaysia

(Hingga 1hb Mac 2018)

Akta 562 – Suatu Akta untuk mengadakan peruntukan mengenai, dan untuk mengawalselia penggunaan, tandatangan digital dan untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi maksud-maksud yang berkaitan dengannya.

Akta 563 - Suatu Akta untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi kesalahan berhubungan dengan penyalahgunaan komputer.

Akta 564 - Suatu Akta untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi pengawalseliaan dan pengawalan amalan teleperubatan; dan bagi perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengannya.

Detailed Contents Of Undang-Undang Siber Malaysia :

The Malaysian government passed the Malaysian Cybersecurity Act 2018, also known as the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill, in April 2018. The act aims to protect Malaysian citizens and businesses from cyber threats and cybercrime.

The Malaysian Cybersecurity Act 2018 has several key components, including:

  1. Establishment of the National Cybersecurity Agency (NACSA) - The NACSA is a government agency that is responsible for the implementation of the act. It is responsible for ensuring the security of critical information infrastructure and coordinating cybersecurity efforts across different sectors.

  2. Regulation of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) - The act defines CII as information infrastructure that, if disrupted or destroyed, would have a significant impact on national security, public safety, economic stability or public health. The act requires CII owners to register their systems with the government and comply with security regulations.

  3. Criminalization of Cybercrime - The act criminalizes cyber offenses such as unauthorized access, interception of communications, and cyberstalking. The punishment for such offenses can range from fines to imprisonment.

  4. Protection of Personal Data - The act also regulates the processing of personal data and requires data controllers to obtain the consent of the data subjects. It also imposes strict penalties for any unauthorized access or disclosure of personal data.

  5. International Cooperation - The act allows the government to cooperate with other countries in matters relating to cybersecurity and cybercrime. The government can also seek the assistance of foreign law enforcement agencies in investigations and prosecutions.

Overall, the Malaysian Cybersecurity Act 2018 aims to enhance cybersecurity and protect critical information infrastructure and personal data in Malaysia.

Undang-Undang Siber Malaysia Contains:

Akta Tandatangan Digital 1997 (Akta 562)
Akta Jenayah Komputer 1997 (Akta 563)
Akta Teleperubatan 1997 (Akta 564)
Peraturan-Peraturan Tandantangan Digital 1998
Perintah Tandatangan Digital (Pemerakuan oleh Notari Awam) (Pengecualian) 1998

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