Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (723) & Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act (Act 723) (Hingga 25 Ogos 2015)
Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (723) & Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act (Act 723)
*Nota: Buku ini mengandungi kedua-dua versi Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris
*Note: This book contains both the English and Malay version
Akta 723 - Suatu Akta untuk mengawal harga barangan dan caj bagi perkhidmatan dan melarang pencatutan dan untuk mengadakan peruntukan mengenai perkara yang berkaitan atau bersampingan dengannya.
Act 723 - An Act to control prices of goods and charges for services and to prohibit profiteering and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Detailed Contents Of Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (723) :
The Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (Act 723) is a Malaysian law that was in force until August 25, 2015. The law was enacted to regulate and control prices of goods and services and to prevent profiteering practices by businesses. The law applied to all businesses that sell goods or provide services in Malaysia, including manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and service providers.
Under the law, the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (MDTCC) was responsible for enforcing price controls and anti-profiteering measures. The MDTCC could issue price control orders to regulate the prices of goods and services, and businesses that failed to comply with these orders could face fines, imprisonment, or both.
In addition, the law required businesses to provide accurate and transparent pricing information to consumers. Businesses were required to display prices prominently and to avoid misleading or false advertising. The law also prohibited businesses from engaging in unfair practices, such as price gouging, hoarding, or collusion.
The law empowered the MDTCC to investigate and prosecute businesses that engaged in price gouging or other anti-competitive practices. The MDTCC could conduct inspections and audits of businesses, seize goods, and impose fines or other penalties for violations of the law.
Overall, the Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (Act 723) was designed to protect consumers from unfair pricing practices and to promote fair competition in the marketplace. While the law is no longer in force, its provisions continue to influence the way businesses operate in Malaysia today.
Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (723) Contains:
Peraturan-Peraturan Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (Mekanisme untuk Menentukan Keuntungan Tinggi yang Tidak Munasabah) (Margin Keuntungan Bersih) 2014
Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Mechanism to Determine Unreasonably High Profit) (Net Profit Margin) Regulations 2014
Perintah Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan (Penandaan Caj Perkhidmatan bagi Hotel dan Restoran) 2015
Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Marking of Service Charge for Hotel and Restaurant) Order 2015
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