Civil Remedies In Malaysia (Student Edition)


Civil Remedies In Malaysia (Student Edition)

Author Cheong May Fong & Lee Yin Harn
Publication Date 2016
ISBN 9789670915647
Format Softcover
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell


The issue of remedies is a practical and difficult one that arises in nearly every civil court dispute. Civil Remedies In Malaysia (Student Edition) is a detailed overview of the legislation governing remedies in contractual and commercial disputes in Malaysia. The book has been considerably revised after approximately ten years. The precise presentation of the Malaysian situation is substantially strengthened in this second edition by a comparative review of English and Australian law.

Key points highlighted in Civil Remedies In Malaysia (Student Edition)

  • A comprehensive explication of Malaysian law on contractual and commercial dispute remedies.
  • The content is organised around the purposes of medicines and where they come from (legal or equitable)
  • The importance of remedies and the circumstances that influence their availability are highlighted, particularly in regard to discretionary equitable remedies.
  • To distil contemporary legal concepts, relevant legislative provisions (Contracts Act 1950 and the Specific Relief Act 1950) and a large volume of local and international case law were thoroughly studied and evaluated.
  • The book's presentation has been meticulously reconstructed, with information stated at the start of each chapter, paragraph numbers extensively cross-referenced for ease of finding specific legal arguments, and a list of pertinent resources.

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SKU: 4104554820 ISBN: 9789670915647

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