Counsellors Act 1998 (Act 580) and Regulations [Hingga 5hb November 2019]

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Akta Kaunselor 1998(Akta 580)

dan Peraturan-Peraturan
Counsellors Act 1998 (Act 580) and Regulations
[Hingga 5hb November 2019]


An Act to provide for the registration and practice of counsellors and for matters connected therewith.

Detailed Contents Of Counsellors Act 1998 (Act 580) :

The Counsellors Act 1998 (Act 580) is an act of Parliament in Malaysia that establishes the Malaysian Board of Counsellors and regulates the practice of counselling in the country. The Act was last amended on 5 November 2019.

The Act defines a "counsellor" as a person who is registered with the Malaysian Board of Counsellors and is engaged in the practice of counselling. The Act sets out the requirements for registration with the Board, including academic qualifications, professional training, and a minimum of two years of supervised practice.

The Act also establishes a code of ethics for counsellors, which includes requirements such as confidentiality, informed consent, and respect for clients' rights and autonomy. The Act provides for the disciplining of counsellors who breach the code of ethics, including suspension or revocation of their registration.

The Act also sets out the powers and functions of the Malaysian Board of Counsellors, which include the registration of counsellors, the maintenance of a register of counsellors, the establishment of standards for the practice of counselling, and the promotion of the development and advancement of the counselling profession.

The Regulations under the Counsellors Act 1998 provide further details on the requirements for registration with the Malaysian Board of Counsellors, including the academic qualifications and professional training necessary to qualify for registration. The Regulations also set out the fees payable for registration and the procedures for the renewal of registration.

The Regulations also specify the requirements for continuing professional development for registered counsellors, including the number of hours of training and the topics that must be covered. The Regulations provide for the disciplining of registered counsellors who fail to comply with the requirements for continuing professional development.

Overall, the Counsellors Act 1998 and its Regulations provide a framework for the regulation of the counselling profession in Malaysia, aimed at promoting high standards of practice and protecting the rights and interests of clients.

Counsellors Act 1998 (Act 580) Contains:

Akta Kaunselor 1998 (Akta 580)
Counsellors Act 1998 (Act 580)
Peraturan-Peraturan Kaunselor (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1999
Counsellors (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1999
Peraturan-Peraturan Kaunselor (Pendaftaran dan Perakuan Amalan) 1999
Counsellors (Registration and Practising Certificate) Regulations 1999
Peraturan-Peraturan Kaunselor (Fi) 2017
Counsellors (Fees) Regulations 2017

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