Criminal Appeals in Singapore


Criminal Appeals in Singapore by Christopher Corns

Author Christopher Corns (Honorary Associate Professor of Law, La Trobe University)
Publication Date May 2020
ISBN 9789811453311
Softcover + Ebook
Publisher  Sweet & Maxwell


Criminal Appeals in Singapore is a thorough, practical, and authoritative guide on Singapore's criminal appeals law and procedure. This book features flow charts to increase accessibility and gives a step-by-step overview of criminal appeals for all of Singapore's criminal courts. The title discusses the rights and reasons for appealing a conviction or sentence, as well as how appellate courts treat the various types and grounds of appeal and the prosecution's varied appeal rights. Leading instances that are pertinent to all of the fundamental ideas are examined and explained, ensuring that the information is as complete and up-to-date as possible.

The role and rights of the prosecution in criminal appeals, as well as the constitutional relevance of criminal appeals in the wider judicial system, are also discussed in the book. In addition to a complete analysis of criminal appeals from the Courts Martial to the Military Court of Appeal, the book includes a detailed historical overview of the development of criminal appeals in Singapore. Criminal Appeals in Singapore offers a "one-stop shop" for all facets of criminal appeals for the busy practitioner.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Criminal Appeals in Singapore

1. Introduction
2. Historical development of criminal appeals in Singapore
3. The Courts in Singapore and the Role of the Public Prosecutor
4. Appeals from the Youth Court and the State Courts
5. Appeals from the High Court to the Court of Appeal
6. Appeals from the Court Martial to the Military Court of Appeal

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SKU: 4099198310 ISBN: 9789811453311

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