De Smith's Judicial Review, 8th Edition and 1st Supplement
De Smith's Judicial Review, 8th Edition and 1st Supplement
Author | Sir Harry Woolf, Jeffrey L. Jowell, Catherine Mary Donnelly, Ivan Hare |
Publication Date | 2018 |
ISBN | 9780414064041 |
Format | Hardcover |
Publisher | Sweet & Maxwell |
Domestic grounds of review, challenges under the Human Rights Act 1998, and the application of European Community law in judicial review are all covered in the new version. It:
- Provides answers to the most difficult legal issues involving judicial review.
- Analyzes the subject's theoretical basis as well as its practise.
- Provides detailed instructions on what to do at each stage of a judicial review process.
- Explains the implications of recent case law and procedural changes.
- Sets judicial review in the context of a rapidly evolving administrative justice system (including "proportionate conflict settlement," the new tribunal system, and ombudsman recourse).
- Other Commonwealth states, including Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, and South Africa, have provided important experience.
In addition, the updated version includes:
- The history, theoretical underpinnings, and principles of judicial review are all covered in this course.
- The scope of judicial review is explained.
- Provides authoritative and thorough instruction on judicial review practise and process.
- Covers all grounds for challenge, including illegality, procedural irregularities, substantive review, Convention rights, and European Community grounds.
- Clarifies complicated developments in substantive review, such as proportionality and realistic expectations, against the backdrop of a growing "justification culture."
- Describes the concepts that underpin each type of judicial review.
- Sets the stage for judicial review and its scope, addressing a variety of concerns that will govern De Smith's approach.
- Considers the setting in which judicial review is just one of several potential channels of remedy for citizens who have been wronged.
- Examines people who can file a judicial review suit (claimants), those who have a right to be a party (interested parties), and those who can ask the court for permission to make arguments (interveners).
- Examines the frequently difficult and contentious issue of which defendants and rulings are amenable to judicial review.
- Illegality, procedural fairness, and irrationality or unreasonableness are all covered in depth in this book (Substantive Review and Justification)
- Procedures, remedies, funding, and expenditures are all covered in detail.
TABLE OF CONTENTS of De Smith's Judicial Review
- 1. The Nature of Judicial Review
- 2. Claimants, Interested Parties and Interveners
- 3. Defendants and Decisions Subject to Judicial Review
- 4. Concepts of Jurisdiction and Lawful Administration
- 5. Illegality
- 6. Procedural Fairness: Introduction, History and Comparative Perspectives
- 7. Procedural Fairness: Entitlement And Content
- 8. Procedural Fairness: Exceptions
- 9. Procedural Fairness: Fettering of Discretion
- 10. Procedural Fairness: Bias and Conflict of Interest
- 11. Substantive Review and Justification
- 12. Legitimate Expectations
- 13. Convention Rights as Grounds for Judicial Review
- 14. Review under European Union Law
- 15. The Historical Development of Judicial Review Remedies and
- Procedures
- 16. CPR Pt 54 Claims for Judicial Review
- 17. Other Judicial Review Proceedings
- 18. Judicial Review Remedies
- 19. Monetary Remedies in Judicial Review
- Appendices
- Note on Citation of Authorites
- Classification of Functions
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SKU: 3791534279
ISBN: 9780414064041
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