The Law On Corruption In Singapore : Cases And Materials, 2nd Edition


The Law on Corruption in Singapore: Cases and Materials (2nd Edition)

Author Mr Tan Boon Gin
Publication Date 2021
ISBN 9789811492785
Publisher Singapore Academy of Law


The first edition, published in 2007, has been out for seven years. Since then, the Criminal Procedure Code of 2010 (CPC) has taken effect, and this book will address the practical concerns of the CPC's relationship with the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA). The applicability of the confiscation provisions under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking, and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act is also discussed in this book. The prosecution of sham marriages and perversion of justice under section 5 PCA was the pinnacle of the section's reach. Since then, there has been a reduction in the employment of that section, and there will be a discussion of how instances that were previously prosecuted under § 5 are now treated.
The significance of the Court of Appeal's decision in PP v Teo Chu Ha that the PCA cannot be circumvented by the clever structuring of a financial gratification will be discussed, as will various judicial pronouncements on words and phrases like "public body" and "gratification," as well as the applicability of the statutory presumptions in ss 8 and 9 of the PCA. Finally, the book will discuss the PP v Ng Boon Gay, PP v Peter Benedict Lim, and PP v Tey Hsun Hang sexual gratification instances, as well as the important considerations in determining whether such gratifications are corrupt.


On June 15, 2015, Mr. Tan Boon Gin was appointed Chief Regulatory Officer at the Singapore Exchange. He is now the head of Singapore Exchange Regulation, an independent regulatory subsidiary of the Singapore Exchange, which is responsible for all front-line regulatory functions in order to foster a fair, orderly, and transparent market.

Mr Tan was the Director of the Singapore Police Force's Commercial Affairs Department before joining SGX. Mr Tan previously served as Director of the Enforcement Division, Corporate Finance Division, and Executive Director of the Investment Intermediaries Department at the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Mr Tan is an advocate and solicitor with degrees from Harvard Law School and the University of Cambridge. In 2010, Mr Tan received the Public Administration (Silver) Medal.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of The Law On Corruption In Singapore : Cases And Materials

Part A: The Elements of the Offence
Introduction (no changes from 1st Ed)
The Meaning of “Corruptly” and the Two step Test (no changes from 1st Ed)
Corrupt Element
Guilty Knowledge
Interpretation of Words and Phrases
Part B: Evidential Issues
Statutory Presumptions
Statements Made to CPIB Officers
Witnesses Requiring Special Consideration (no changes from 1st Ed)
Part C: Territorial Jurisdiction, the Attorney-General’s Consent to Prosecute and Other Ancillary Matters
Supplementary Provisions

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SKU: 4080187234 ISBN: 9789811492785

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